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PWDF: Focus on Mental Disabilities

Vol. 45 – Winter/Spring 2022: Right of People to Refuse Psychotropic Medications; Psychiatric Disabilities in the Workplace & Reasonable Accommodations; PWDF Announces New Grant Opportunities

Counsel’s Corner: Right of People to Refuse Psychotropic Medications

In The Spotlight: Psychiatric Disabilities in the Workplace & Reasonable Accommodations

Grant Program Update: PWDF Announces New Grant Opportunities

Advocacy Update: PWDF advocates for Social Security claimant’s disability benefits in eight Bay Area counties. We also provide services in disability rights, on issues regarding returning to work, and in ADA consultations, including areas of employment, health care, and education, among others. There is representation before all levels of federal court and Administrative Law Judges. No one is declined due to their inability to pay, and we offer a sliding scale for attorney’s fees. Presently we have one case in federal court for SSDI benefits, MF v. SSA Commissioner, and several at the ALJ level, including one discrimination case based on psychosis, and one case with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) where discrimination was found after our client has been homeless for three years. DFEH gave no remedy. We are seeking two disability lawyers; see our Careers page for more information.

Education/Public Awareness: To help eliminate the stigma against people with mental disabilities in society, PWDF’s educational program organizes workshops and public seminars, provides guest speakers with backgrounds in mental health, and produces educational materials such as HR training videos. Our next 3-hour seminar is Older Adults with Psychiatric and/or Developmental Disabilities. More information to be announced in a future e-newsletter. We welcome Sally Littlefield as our new Program Manager for Public Awareness & Education.

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